Solicite presupuesto

Document review

At Fidelia Linguistic Solutions we offer you a comprehensive review service adapted to your companies' needs which evaluates the following aspects:

Analysis of the documents to be reviewed

First, a native project manager analyses the documents or files to be reviewed in order to determine the degree of quality of the documents provided by the customer. We must determine whether the requested review is a translation from documents written in an original language or if the documents to be reviewed are not translated. Once this point has been clarified, the quality of the translated documents is evaluated in order to determine the depth of review required by the documents to be reviewed.

Revisión de documentos Madrid

Assignment of revisers

Second, a project manager assigns the review to one or more specialised revisers and native speakers of the target language being reviewed and coordinates them so that they all work on the project with the same instructions and procedures.

Fidelia Linguistic Solutions offers review services in more than 40 languages. All our revisers, correctors and terminologists are native speakers of the target languages, are specialised by field of translation and have sufficient language skills to guarantee a highly reliable, quality review.

There are three linguistic aspects when reviewing a translation:

– Lexico-semantic

A deep understanding of the vocabulary of the documents to be translated and reviewed. A perfect command of the semantic field of the sector or discipline to be reviewed is of utmost importance. All our terminologists and revisers are specialised by field of translation and review and have extensive experience.

– Grammatical

Ensure that the rules of use of the target language are applied correctly. The depth of the review will depend on the translation to be reviewed. If the translation is deficient it is highly probable that the grammatical structure of the translated text is also deficient. During the grammatical assessment of a review, the correct use of spelling, sentence structures and internal components, grammatical connectors, use of conjunctions, prepositions, verbal tenses and pronouns, etc., are checked.

– Pragmatic and stylistic

It is important to ensure that the information is coherently and consistently structured so that it is not misinterpreted or misleading and that the reviewed text has a common thread and follows a logical order. Similarly, it is of vital importance to know the target audience who will read our translation in order to identify with them and ensure that the reading of the text is attractive and understandable.

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